Thursday, September 22, 2011

Save the date: November 5th, 2011

"CHURCH SUMMIT - 3" is tentatively scheduled for
Saturday, November 5, 10-1:pm
More information will be coming out soon.

READ THIS! Letter to St. Petersburg Times

Editor, Saint Petersburg Times

RE: Parental Involvement is a key variable in education equation (in print Sunday, August 21, 2011)

Dear Editor:

The article touched upon a topic that is sure to be discussed as the education landscape changes. The writer didn’t list any resources available for parents who are seeking assistance in an effort to further the education of their child.

In St. Petersburg, since 1999, the Parent Support for Education Council, Inc., assists parents and other caring adults who want to be actively engaged and are not aware of how to begin and continue engagement. We empower parents and caring adults prior to School visits, additionally assistance is provided by portal/parent connection training (how to use school systems on-line service); scholarship information and student support, and empowerment training for parents prior to parent-teacher conferences. We also coordinate for the parents, referrals to apartment leasing and rental, child and sibling care, computer classes and computer training, ex-offender job training and placement, family anger management and conflict resolution, health services and health fairs, homework and study monitoring locations, job fairs and job training, home ownership, budgeting and credit improvement, mental health issues and church based mental health support teams, navigating the 211 network system, parenting and life skills and tutoring.

For further information, please contact Reverend Martin Rainey.

Thank you.

Rev. Martin Rainey
642 22nd Ave. South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33705


St. Petersburg Times --

Parental involvement is a key variable in education equation

By Marlene Sokol, Times Staff Writer

Joe Vitalo has seen it all: The mother who doesn't notice her daughter's shorts are shorter than her underwear. The father who lets his son stay up until 3 a.m. playing video games when the school bus comes at 6. And the many parents who don't leave a working phone...

© 2011 St. Petersburg Times


Standing Committees of the Parent Support for Education Council, Inc.

Current Standing Committees include:
1.Resource and Development
Develop an annual fundraising plan, implement Fundraising program
2.Budget and Finance
The Treasurer shall serve as Chair for this committee. Oversight of the fiscal management of the agency is the principal responsibility of the Budget and Finance committee, Including handling all day-to-day expenditures and transactions in accordance with the approved budget. The B&F Committee shall develop an Annual Budget. The Treasurer or his/her designee will provide all required monthly fiscal reports to the Board for review.
3. Membership
Membership recruitment, Petitions, Action Team
4. Marketing/Publicity
Develop and implement a written Marketing Plan including Community Outreach
5. Personnel (Shall consist members of the Executive Committee)
Receive complaints and grievences, investigate and recommend action to the Board with personnel matters
6. Information and Referral Committee
Scholarships, Essay coaching, service referral, etc.

About the The Parent Support for Education Council, Inc.

Welcome to The Parent Support for Education Council, Inc. (PSFEC)!

The Council was organized in October 1999, and incorporated as a non- profit, in January 2011.

The mission is to assist children and families in attaining the highest level of academic performance and positive social success.

We are so pleased that you share our vision of in increasing parental engagement in all aspects of children lives. I encourage you to get engaged, there is much work to be done.

Please note that the Council's main focuses are (1) encouraging parents and caring adults to become fully engaged in children education and (2) finding and implementing solutions to problems that inhibits the success of children and families in education and other social problems.

Please plan to attend the next Parent Council Meeting.
We meet every 3rd Thursday each month @ 6:30 PM - 642 -22nd Avenue, St. Petersburg, Fl. 33705.


1. To provide a forum through which parents, grandparents, guardians, and other caring adults may offer and receive unbiased assistance, guidance and support to parents and guardians of children in public or private schools.

2. To promote moral and Christian principles, high educational standards.

3. To increase parent, teacher and community cooperation and engagement, with the goal of attaining higher levels of academic performance and success of all students and more specifically, struggling students.

We empower parents prior to School visits

The Council meets the 3rd Thursday each month - 6:30PM.

Note: Membership and participation is based on your personal schedule - (Church, business, work or other commitments).

Rev. Martin Rainey, President
PSEC Board of Directors