Thursday, September 22, 2011

Standing Committees of the Parent Support for Education Council, Inc.

Current Standing Committees include:
1.Resource and Development
Develop an annual fundraising plan, implement Fundraising program
2.Budget and Finance
The Treasurer shall serve as Chair for this committee. Oversight of the fiscal management of the agency is the principal responsibility of the Budget and Finance committee, Including handling all day-to-day expenditures and transactions in accordance with the approved budget. The B&F Committee shall develop an Annual Budget. The Treasurer or his/her designee will provide all required monthly fiscal reports to the Board for review.
3. Membership
Membership recruitment, Petitions, Action Team
4. Marketing/Publicity
Develop and implement a written Marketing Plan including Community Outreach
5. Personnel (Shall consist members of the Executive Committee)
Receive complaints and grievences, investigate and recommend action to the Board with personnel matters
6. Information and Referral Committee
Scholarships, Essay coaching, service referral, etc.

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